Adenomyosis (pronounced A - den - oh - my - oh - sis) is a medical condition characterized by the presence of ectopic glandular tissue found in muscle. The term adenomyosis is derived from the terms adeno- (meaning gland), myo- (meaning muscle), and -osis (meaning condition). Previously named as endometriosis interna, adenomyosis actually differs from endometriosis and these two disease entities are found together in only 10% of the cases.
It usually refers to ectopic endometrial tissue (the inner lining of the uterus) within the myometrium (the thick, muscular layer of the uterus). The term "adenomyometritis" specifically implies involvement of the uterus.
The condition is typically found in women between the ages of 35 and 50. Patients with adenomyosis can have painful and/or profuse menses (dysmenorrhea & menorrhagia, respectively). However, because the endometrial glands can be trapped in the myometrium, it is possible to have increased pain without increased blood. (This can be used to distinguish adenomyosis from endometrial hyperplasia; in the latter condition, increased bleeding is more common.)
Diagnostic Laparoscopy:-
A laparoscopy forms the cornerstone for the surgical evaluation of the pelvis of an infertile woman after a basic infertility investigation is completed. In some cases where endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease, or pelvic pain needs evaluation, it may be indicated earlier in the evaluation. The laparoscopic procedure is sometimes combined with a hysteroscopy when indicated.
LaparoscopyLaparoscopy is performed under general anesthesia in a surgical center. A small needle is inserted into the abdominal cavity and C02 gas is introduced. The laparoscope (a telescope with a strong light and camera) is introduced through the navel. A variety of instruments can be inserted into the pelvis, through other small incisions, to perform diagnostic and corrective surgery.

Operative Endoscopy:-
Endoscopy is a minimally invasive medical procedure used to examine the interior surfaces of an organ or tissue. It is Divided into Two :- Hysteroscopy and Laparoscopy ( both done for the purpose of diagnosis & Operative or combined diagnostic and operative procedure where the cause is found.
Hysteroscopy means visualizing uterine cavity(womb) from inside by inserting small telescope via vagina and cervix which is attached with camera & then to monitor. Hysteroscopy allows us to examine the endometrium (lining of the uterus), tubal ostia (small channels on either side which lead to the fallopian tubes), and assess the shape and size of the uterine cavity to make sure it is normal for pregnancy. sometimes find polyps, fibroids, adhesions (scar tissue), septa (a midline division).
We pay very careful attention towards the fact that the entire gynecological procedure is carried out without inflicting minimum of discomfort on the patient. To achieve this purpose we ensure that our treatment has perfect blend of technological superiority and compassionate treatment. Furthermore, we also undertake all cases related to gynaecology which transforms our place as one stop destination for all your gynaecology needs.
We offer a series of sub-specialties areas like Maternal-fetal Medicine, Gynaecologic Oncology, Gynaecological Urology, Reproductive Medicine and Community Gynaecology. Moreover, we use minimal invasive procedures to guarantee swift recovery of our patients.
Over the years we have successfully undertaken a number of cases, quite a few of them being challenging and have achieved almost 100% success. Our clinic has the services of one of the best doctor and other medical staff all of whom excel in their designated roles.
Further adding attraction to the service provided at Gynae Laparoscopy is the fact that despite offering the best of treatment the charges levied here for the services provided is extremely reasonable. No wonder we have emerged as one of the most sought after places for all gynaecological treatments.
Apart from providing world class facilities for gynaecology requirements we also provide consultancy services to the patients where in they are educated about their problems and made aware about the remedial process. This removes doubts and inhibitions from the minds of patients and they approach and respond to the treatments completely.
What is Laparoscopy ?
Laparoscopic surgery is also known as-
It is the latest and best form of treatment available for Gynecological disorders requiring surgery (operation).
A small incision (cut) about 1 cm is made at the lower end of the navel through this a trocar (a sharp edged pipe type instrument) is introduced into the abdomen the carbon dioxide gas is inserted into the abdomen through the trocar (the gas is removed at the end if surgery) following which the laparoscope (Telescope) is inserted this catties with it a fibre optic light source with a powerful LED which lights up the area to be operated. The laparoscope is also connected to a camera, and a T V monitor the surgeon then looks at the T V monitor and operates thru, 2 – 3, 1/2 cm size cuts made on the abdomen.
Hysterectomy Total Laparoscopic: Hysterectomy for various disorders of the uterus where the uterus has to be removed.
Myomectomy:For removal of fibroid (non cancerous ball like growth) from the uterus in case where uterus has to be preserved for future child bearing.(This is our super speciality surgical procedure.)
Adhesiolysis: Is removal of adhesions. Adhesions are bands of tissue which make organs stick to each other and cause a lot of pain and are responsible for many cases of infertility and chronic pelvic pain these are best removed laparoscopically.
Ovarian Cystectomy Is removal of cysts from the ovary.
Ectopic pregnancy: Is pregnancy outside the uterus in the tube or ovary is best handled Laparoscopically especially when future child bearing is desired by the patient.
Polycystic Ovarian Drilling: PCOD is soon becoming an epidemic in India and is a major cause of infertility drilling these large ovaries (in selected cases) often restores fertility.
Diagnostic Laparoscopy for infertility.
Diagnostic Laparoscopy: for Chronic pelvic pain.
Redical hysterectomy Today even Cancer surgery is best done laparoscopically as in cases of cervical (mouth of uterus) cancers.
For the Patient: Pre operatively only 8 hours of fasting is required by the patient and no enema or bowel preparation except in high risk cases this makes patients very comfortable preoperatively. Patients need to get admitted into the Hospital only on the day of surgery and can be at home one night before so are more comfortable facing the surgery.
Where Should One Get The Laparoscopic Surgery Done ?
Before getting the Laparoscopic surgery done, it is always advisable to see that your Gynaecological Laparoscopic Surgeon being a Gynaecologist is well qualified and fully trained in the field of Operative Laparoscopy.
How Can One Get The Laparoscopic Surgery Done ?
If one has been advised an operation for some Gynaecological disorder, it is better to consult a Gynaecological Laparoscopic Surgeon for undergoing Laparoscopic surgery. An appointment can be taken with the Gynaecological Laparoscopic Surgeon. Before the consultation, it is always advisable to take all the relevant papers, investigation reports along with the Ultrasound / X-Ray report if available, and the previous treatment reports (if any) to show to her, so that your proper treatment can be planned accordingly. After thorough examination of the patient and carrying out relevant investigations, the operative laparoscopy technique is decided for the patient and it is explained to the patient and her relatives in detail. All the queries regarding the operation are discussed with the patient and a specific date (depending upon various factors like the menstrual cycle status of the patient etc.) is finally set for operative laparoscopy.
Laparoscopy Surgery :
Open Operation:
What is Hysterectomy?
Hysterectomy is a procedure (operation) performed for removal of the uterus (womb) It is the most common surgery performed by gynaecologists. Hysterectomy can only be performed when future child bearing is not desired by the patient.
Open Operation:
This procedure can be performed for women with any of the below mentioned problems